To: All Tenants

From: Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager

Subject: Upcoming Notices

>> ECC Emergency Protocols

In light of recent events, Edmonton City Centre would like to remind all tenants of emergency protocol after evacuations. There may be times when the Edmonton Fire Department are leaving site and inform tenants of an ‘All Clear’ and advise to go back in. In this instance, EFD have not taken into consideration that building systems are switching over to standard service from emergency status and our team is verifying that the building is optimal for your return.

We need a few more minutes before we can give you our ‘All Clear’ as we ensure that elevators and escalators are functional, fans have been reset and alarm statuses cleared. Once complete, the security team will invite you back in.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Pam Brown, Safety & Security Manager, at


>> West Retail; Epcor Switch

Please be advised that tomorrow, Friday September 25th at 7PM, Epcor will be switching the power off for 30 seconds to 1 minute and will appear like a power bump.

This switching request involves West Retail and The Delta Hotel, but does not include City of Edmonton, Rogers Data Centre and Hudson’s Bay.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Robichaud, Electrical Technologist, at



Edmonton City Centre

Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager