To: All Tenants
From: Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager
Subject: Upcoming Notices
310-Maxx / Tenant Requests
As of November 7th, 310-Maxx was no longer available for Edmonton City Centre, however, there are alternative ways to notify us regarding any maintenance and HVAC requests,
- For regular maintenance & HVAC requests please click the “Tenant Request” link found at the bottom of the home page on where you can enter in an online work order. Your login and password will remain the same. If you do not have a Username or Password, please contact Bob Portieous, Operations Supervisor, at who will be able to assist.
- For urgent calls please call Central Services at 780.426.8441
Recycle Smart – Source Separation Program
As part of our commitment to minimize the environmental footprint, Edmonton City Centre has partnered with RecycleSmart, to implement a source separation program.
As previously communicated, all Tenants will be individually responsible to separate organics, mixed recycling, and landfill waste within their units prior to disposal, effectively increasing diversion rates and decreasing our carbon footprint.
Please see the attached City Recycling Guide November 2019 outlining acceptable materials for each recycling stream.
You will find separate containers in the loading dock for various materials and items brought to the loading dock should be separated in the corresponding collection bin.
In early December, RecycleSmart will launch a Waste Wizard app that will be a resource to help all Tenants sort the various materials. When this app becomes available, an update will be posted.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Bob Portieous, Operations Supervisor, at
Temporary Shut Down 2-3 Escalator, East Retail
Please note, the East Anchor, Street Level to Second Level escalator requires minor repair to the track which will be completed over the weekend. Parts for these repairs have been ordered and are expected to arrive on Friday, November 29th. During this time, we continue to encourage Tenants and patrons to utilize the East Retail escalators or the East Scenic Elevator.
We thank you for your continued patience and partnership as we work to have this rectified.
Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to any of the above notices, please do not hesitate to contact Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager, at
Edmonton City Centre
Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager