To: All Tenants
From: Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager
Subject: Upcoming Notices
Extended Holiday Hours 2019
As we lead up to the holiday season, please take note of the following attachment 2019 Extended Holiday Hours that was hand distributed to all Tenancies. After analysing sales and traffic data from previous years, Edmonton City Centre has decided to reduce holiday hours to ensure efficiencies are seen by all Tenants.
HQLC; Grease Trap Information
Please see the attached informational from our partner, HQLC, with respect to reducing fats, oils, grease and solids from Food and Beverage grease traps. Reduce your fog Informational
Edmonton City Centre Property Management Contact Information
Please be advised, as Edmonton City Centre ownership has changed, as has some contact details. Going forward, the management team email addresses will be <first initial><surname> All office and cell numbers remain the same. Please find the attached Contact List for your reference.
West Retail; Atrium Window Cleaning
As we continue to upgrade the overall appearance of the asset, Epic Rope Access will be cleaning the windows located in the West Retail Atrium by the dome skylight on Sunday, November 24th between 8am and 2pm.
Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to any of the above notices, please do not hesitate to contact Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager, at
Edmonton City Centre
Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager