To: All Tenants

From: Sarah Ricardo, Assistant Property Manager

Subject: Building Updates for COVID-19

Dear Valued Tenants,

As Alberta moves into stage 3 of the “Open for summer plan” there are changes worth noting to our building procedures. For more information on the current government restrictions please visit

Although restrictions are lifting July 1st, please note that everyone is at a different level of comfort regarding the post restrictions environment and each tenancy slightly different in their approach. Please continue to be courteous with everyone you interact with on the property.

Face Masks

While the City of Edmonton mask requirement will be lifted effective July 1st as per City Council. Our security staff, cleaning personnel, building maintenance, and building operators will continue to wear masks in all tenant spaces.

Elevators and Washroom Capacity

Effective July 1st the mandatory elevator and washroom capacity will be lifted. Please remain courteous of everyone’s post restrictions comfort levels while using the washrooms and elevators.

Mall Hours and Operations

Edmonton City Centre retail tenants are currently open from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, and 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Sundays and Stat holidays. Elevate Food Fare is currently open with full capacity seating as of July 1st, 2021. Please see the attached link for an up to date listing of retail tenants in the shopping centre.

Pedway Times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Second Level to East Parkade 5:30am-7am (Tenant access), 7am-6pm 5:30am-7am (Tenant access), 7am-6pm 5:30am-7am (Tenant access), 7am-6pm 5:30am-7am (Tenant access), 7am-6pm 5:30am-7am (Tenant access), 7am-6pm 9am-6pm 11am-5pm
East Retail to West Retail Open 24/7 Open 24/7 Open 24/7 Open 24/7 Open 24/7 Open 24/7 Open 24/7
LRT Pedway 6am-7am (tenant access), 7am-6pm (public access) 6am-7am (tenant access), 7am-6pm (public access) 6am-7am (tenant access), 7am-6pm (public access) 6am-7am (tenant access), 7am-6pm (public access) 6am-7am (tenant access), 7am-6pm (public access) 6am-9am (tenant access), 9am-6pm (public access) 6am-11am (tenant access), 11am-5pm (public access)
Third Level to East Parkade 7am-6pm 7am-6pm 7am-6pm 7am-6pm 7am-6pm 7am-6pm 7am-6pm
Manulife Pedway 6:30am-6pm 6:30am-6pm 6:30am-6pm 6:30am-6pm 6:30am-6pm Closed Closed
Sutton Pedway 6:30am-6pm 6:30am-6pm 6:30am-6pm 6:30am-6pm 6:30am-6pm Closed Closed

Property Management and Office Hours

The Edmonton City Centre Management Office will be open and operating Monday through Friday and will continue to have Property Management and administrative staff daily in the building. The hours of operations are Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, and 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Both Russ Fawcett, Senior Property Manager, and Sarah Ricardo, Assistant Property Manger are available and can be reached at or

Maintenance Requests

All maintenance requests can be submitted via Angus. Our site will continue to have full security, along with maintenance, building operations staff, and Property Management.

The courtesy tenants have displayed to each other and the building staff throughout the pandemic has been noticed and is deeply appreciated.

If you have any questions about Edmonton City Centre’s policies and procedures related to COVID-19 please reach out to Russ Fawcett or Sarah Ricardo.


Edmonton City Centre