To: All Retail Tenants
From: The Marketing Department
Subject: Edmonton City Centre Gift Card Program
Please be advised that our new ECC Gift Card Program is now up and running. Gift Cards can be purchased at Guest Services on Street Level. If a customer is paying with a gift card, you would simply process it the same way you would an American Express credit card. If your store does not accept Amex, you will not be able to accept the gift card. If you accept Amex and your store name is not on this list, please reach out to me so we can get you set up on the platform.
For reference, the new gift cards look like this:
In September, we will do a gift card launch with a promotional bonus offer, once office tenants return to work. Stay tuned for more details.
If you have any questions, please contact Zaina Yusuf, Marketing Manager at zyusuf@edmontoncitycentre.comĀ
Thank you!