To: All Tenants
From: Melaniee Smith, Property Manager
Subject: LRT Construction Impact, 102 Avenue Sidewalk Closure between 100A Street & 101 Street, April 22 – June 14
Further to ongoing Valley Line LRT Updates; please note that the 102 Avenue Sidewalk along ECC between 100A Street & 101 Street will be temporarily closed between April 22 – June 14, 2019 while the current sidewalk is removed and replaced.
With this in mind; emergency exit stairwells will be maintained by the LRT project team in conjunction with EFD (the Edmonton Fire Department), however pedestrian traffic will be rerouted during the noted timeframe.
Lastly, although a significant portion of this work will take place after hours, we do anticipate noise and vibration impacts and ask that all Tenancies please consider how this may impact your respective suites.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the City of Edmonton by calling 311. Thank you!
Melaniee Smith, Property Manager