To: All Tenants

From: Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager

Subject: Upcoming Notices

>> West Retail – Sump Pit Work; Oct 24

Please note, work will be conducted on the sump pit located by the Delta Freight, Concourse Level, on October 24th between 5pm and 9pm. We do not anticipate any disruption to the operation of your tenancies during this time.


>> All Tenants – Scheduled Fire Drill; Oct 28

Please note, bell testing specific to the City of Edmonton (311) tenancy in West Retail will be conducted at 8:00am on Wednesday, October 28.

The alarm will remain within the designated Tenancy and will not affect Edmonton City Centre East or West.


>> All Tenants – Building Condition Survey; Nov 2-27

Please be advised, we are conducting a building condition survey for future planning between November 2nd and November 27th.

Between November 9th and November 20th Golder Associates may require access to your tenancy during operational hours.

Golder Associates will wear appropriate PPE and will follow any Covid protocol put in place by tenants while visiting their unit.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Lonny Vanderheide, Operations Manager, at


To: All Edmonton City Centre retail tenants

From: The Marketing Department

Subject: FREE Parking – evenings & weekends

In an effort to increase sales and traffic within Edmonton City Centre, we are offering free customer parking on evenings and weekends.

From 3-7pm on weekdays, and 11am-6pm on weekends in the East Parkade and Bay Preferred Parkade, customer parking will be free until December 31, 2020. Please note that this offer is not valid in the West Parkade and customers will be ticketed if they park here without paying during these times. Click here to view the map for eligible parkades.

If you have any questions, please email Zaina Yusuf, Marketing Manager,