To: All Tenants
From: Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager
Subject: Upcoming Notices
Edmonton City Centre Closure; Effective March 29th
Please note, Edmonton City Centre’s top priority is the safety of all tenants, patrons and team members across the asset.
In order to comply with the Government of Alberta’s directive issued yesterday, March 27th, Edmonton City Centre will close to the public, effective March 29, 2020 for an undetermined period. With respect to the remaining tenants who are operating, access to your tenancy will be maintained through a security-controlled entrance.
Access to Edmonton City Centre will be limited to 101 Street East entrance and 101 Street West entrance at the following times,
Monday to Friday 10am – 6pm
Saturday & Sunday 12pm – 5pm
All pedways from Edmonton City Centre, including pedways to the East Parkade, the West Parkade and from East to West Retail will be closed 24 hours a day. As per Government guidelines, we will be limiting the number of patrons in at any one time, however this does not relate to staff of retail or office tenants.
Any Tenants who require access to the building before 10am, must enter via 102A Avenue. We will not be allowing gathering, mall-walking or loitering.
East Retail Third Level washrooms and West Retail Second Level washrooms will be open during these hours. East Second Level washrooms will be closed.
We must act responsibly and comply with the Government order for the benefit of the country, our tenants, patrons and team members. Thank you for your understanding during this period of uncertainty.
Tenant Guidelines for Retail Closures
Please review the following guidelines for Retail Tenant closures,
- Remove all items from fridges, unplug and prop door open.
- Close all water valves for sinks, toilets, coffee makers, water coolers, ice dispensers, hot water tanks, and for any other water related equipment.
- Unplug all electrical items that are not needed and turn off all lights throughout the unit.
- Turn off gas valve and ensure all cooking equipment is switched off.
- Turn off breaker for hot water tanks
- Remove garbage and clean all surfaces, equipment and dishes.
- Lock and secure premises.
If you have already temporarily closed your premises, please safely return to ensure your space is fully prepared.
Please inform property management if you are removing any products so that we are aware.
Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager, at
Edmonton City Centre
Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager