To: All Tenants

From: Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager

Subject: Valley Line LRT Updates; 102 Ave East Partial Closure

Further to ongoing updates, please note, this afternoon, Monday, July 22, TransEd will close the three most Western doors on the 102 Ave East exit/entry, for approximately one month, to continue work to the sidewalk on 102 Ave.

As a reminder, the North sidewalk on 102 Avenue, between 100 Street and 100A Street will close on July 23 for approximately 12 weeks. Pedestrian access will be maintained on the South side of 102 Avenue between 100 Street and 100A Street, along with the crosswalk from Edmonton City Centre to Rice Howard Way.

Should you have any questions or concerns about the Valley Line West LRT, contact the LRT Projects Information Centre at 780-496-4874 or email


Susan Radford, Assistant Property Manager